On Tue 17 Mar 2009 02:10, Andreas Hartmann <andr...@apache.org> wrote:

> Sure – at least two committers will be there (Thorsten Scherler and
> Rudolf Korhummel), if you're interested I'll be happy to send you
> their contact infos.

I've spoken with Thorsten before, but not about the ApacheCon site.
Unfortuntely, ApacheCon was really busy for me, so I didn't get a chance
this time.

>> Or I could bring up the topic on the lenya lists.
> That would of course be very much appreciated.
> Just a little introduction from a functional POV: Lenya is great for
> setting up simple or complex sites, serving static data and/or dynamic
> content. Since you can leverage Cocoon's pipelines, it's very easy to
> create complex pages from various XML sources. You get most standard
> collaborative editing functions out of the box (review/publishing
> workflows, content validation, WYSIWYG editing, version history etc.).
> But with Lenya it's rather difficult to allow the website visitor to
> generate content. If the focus is on user-generated content, Sling is
> certainly the better option.

With every respect for Lenya, I'm also leaning towards Sling more.  But
in the time being, we're committed to the Rails based site.  I simply
don't have the cycles to rewrite it.  Though I'd be happy to help a
community that wanted a crack at it.

  J Aaron Farr     jadetower.com        [US] +1 724-964-4515
    馮傑仁         cubiclemuses.com     [HK] +852 8123-7905

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