yeahsterday, james gave me NO POCKY FOR KITTY on VINYL, WOOOOOOOO!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and at the gig, Katrina brought a CAKE, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
it had a 3-candle.  then people sang happy birthday :)

Sanisoft rocked, they played some new songs, the last new one they did i 
liked the best(of the new material).  james played me the tape they mixed 
down for when they went on his show.  it sound good, way to go guys!

Preppy Relatives were so good, they played this three part set.  first it 
was just gordon, doing the best version of his songs i've ever heard.  i 
think that he's always done a great job playing, it's just that this time 
i could hear everything that was happening.
Then this surprise drummer joins him, his name was jarvis, gordon was 
saving him i guess as a surprise, to raise the performance one more 
level.  that portion of the peaked with a groovin' rendition of when the 
saints go marchin' in, would have loved to have been in *that* number:) 
then part three was gordon's "rainbow guy" story, the world has ended.

what a day, yeah! 


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