On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 3:11 AM Sebastien Marchand via Slony1-general <
slony1-general@lists.slony.info> wrote:

> I do this :
> Server A -> Server  B -> Server C
> _replication_N1 for server A to B and _replication _N2 server B to C on
> the same table.

If you are doing two replication sets, then this won't work.  That's
because when data on Server A gets replicated to Server B, the replay on
Server B is done with a replica identity that disables the triggers, which
subsequently prevents replication to Server C.

If you want to do this replication architecture of A->B->C, then you will
need C to subscribe to _replication_N1 and specify the source as Server B

Hope that helps!
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