Does anybody know exactly what happens if you plug a computer with a power 
supply set to 115 V into an Australian power outlet? I ask because a 
friend of my Dads has just dumped a bunch of old 286s that he wasn't using 
anymore here, one of which seemed to be completely dead (ie plug it in,
turn it on, nothing happens). Looking around the back there's a switch to
change between 115 V and 230 V, it was set to 115 V. I switched it to 230
V, but the machine still wouldn't do anything, so I pulled the motherboard
out and stuck it in another machine, where it booted up OK. Also, sticking
a different 286 motherboard (thanks Ken :-) in the original machine didn't
get it going. This looks to me like the power supply in the original 
machine has been fried. Anybody have any thoughts on what's happened 
here? Any chance of resurrecting the thing? (To bring it somewhat back on
topic, I'm booting these 286s with ELKS, and my Evil ELKS Beowulf Cluster 
for World Domination (EEBCWD - I may have to work on the acronym) grows
ever stronger... :-)


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