On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Minh Van wrote:

> > Speaking from experience - most employers who claim to want Linux skills
> > are really looking for cheap, general purpose sysadmins. I had one mob
> > supposedly agree with my requirements with respect to salary etc, then
> > when I showed up to sign the contracts they said "Well, we really don't
> > want to pay this much, so..."
> > 
> > Needless to say, I told them to shove the job, and exactly where.
> so what've you done since, with respect to help further your career
> prospects ?

Not that's it's really on topic, but...

The same thing anyone else would have done - moved onto other

Studied more, got another contract, continued the learning curve, left it
behind, and made a note to never even consider working for the place

Oh, and done some spreading of the word amongst my circle of peers, and
some other palces, to see that nobody else gets sucked in as well. :-)


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