At some point around Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 11:28:13PM +1000, Michael Fox said:
> No offence but I agree with article. I have felt very let down, as since the
> wonderful potato has come, they have left slink high and dry. I have 1 slink
> box, and currently it is in a poor state. Mainly due to the lack of support
> on the mirror ftp's that carry slink package tree. It has got to the point,
> that next week, I have scheduled to be onsite to rebuild the machine onto
> Debian 2.2, as I dare not run the upgrade. I'd sooner rebuild it and be sure
> it will work for months on end.
Why dare not run the upgrade? Have I missed something? So,
they've stopped releasing bug fixes etc. This is entirely normal
for an older release - it went stable fricking ages ago... I
sent three machines on the slink-potato trip last week, and they
are all perfectly happy. I'll even admit to doing one remotely,
cos I really dislike the client <g>
> If and when woody does become the offical release, and if potato then
> becomes how can I say, lacking in maintance. I am sure I will be moving any
> such machines I admin, and future machines over to something else. I'd dare
> say, a BSD OS of sorts. Either FreeBSD or OpenBSD.
Why? Give reasons! All you are doing here is FUDing on a
Microsoftian level because they aren't releasing Security Fixes,
for a release that was superceded two months ago,
in the entirely reasonable expectation that you will upgrade,
*for free* to the new release!
> Well it is late, and I think I should be getting back to sleep. But I just
> couldn't resist stating something that is bugging me recently. Anyone else
> have similar feelings with the state of Debian these days.
Well, I don't. And I'm pretty sure that there are "several"
others on this list that will agree with me.
> As much as I love Debian, I am loosing interest/faith rather quickly.
Poor you. I have no idea where else you will be getting the
level of support and quality software that Debian provides.
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