On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 01:12:06AM +1100, Michael Lake wrote:

Not wanting to start a perl/PHP jihad... ;)

> Pro PHP / Con Perl:
> * PHP often seems easier than Perl in its syntax for many
> common web/datbase queries.

True. Well I think so anyway but I'm biased. For people who use Perl a lot,
the same could be said though. It's a matter of what you're familiar with.

> * Variables from forms are automatically available to the
> script they call out without parsing them.
> (can this be abused/used by crackers?)

Correct. By dfault, PHP sets an order by which these are available which by
default is EGPCB
Environment, GET, POST, Cookies, Built-in
That means that variables are overwritten in that order, so a POST var can
override a GET var but not the otherway around so people can't hack the
query string.
You can also use track_vars to access PHP variables in a series of arrays
which address GET/POST etc variables directly without relying on the
variable order.

> * lots of people seem to be using PHP and it seems very
> "in".

Yep :)

> * There are classes available for PHP so you can do object
> orientated programming.

No where near as many as Perl and waay to fractured.

> Con PHP/Pro Perl:
> * Perl is older and more stable than PHP so may have less
> opportunity for buffer overruns and other security holes.
Very true.

> * Perl is more stable so current apps written with Perl
> 5.004 will run for ages whereas a PHP 4 app might not run
> when PHP 5.0 comes out say next year.

PHP endeavours to keep this to an abso minimum. There were very few
incompatibilities between PHP 3 and PHP 4.

> * Much of your code in PHP seems to be sent to the user when
> the form is requested as its embedded in the HTML so the
> user could look at this and possibly glean info that may
> help them in cracking. In Perl one would tend to generate
> the HTML and just send it (unless it were embedded Perl
> which one can do).

Not true, the code is parsed by the server and delivered as HTML. Anything
inside a PHP script block is hidden. Of course if you setup include files
etc incorrectly then you are going to have problems but that's a server
security issue like leaving .htpasswd files laying about.

> There are prob lots of things that I haven't considered but
> generally given that this must be a reasonably secure
> database does this dictate Perl over PHP or not? Is it more
> a function of how the programmer implements the code?

The database is independent so there's another level of security. mySQL,
postgreSQL all have good security models although insecure code won't help.


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