On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 11:59:03AM +1100, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:

> > Why does this bother me? If I was an Eisa customer or even an ex-Eisa
> > customer with my details sitting on that server waiting for someone to come
> > along, I'd be getting on that phone pretty darn quick. I also hope that
> > other people will nag them into doing something about it or shame them into
> > it.
> I am not sure whether you are or arent (I understand you dont want to say that)
> but I wonder if it is possible to bring them to court for some case
> of "neglect of sth??", you might want to talk to your lawyer?

Yeah not sure if I want to go down that road of course. You'd have to prove
(and I'm no lawyer) that you actually lost something I spose. Does the
potential for something to happen equate or come close to it actually
happening? I'm thinking of someone taking me to court for driving a car
because I may hit them at some point. I suppose it's a question of odds.

> f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgmmng. [Anon]
Hey! I can read that! :)


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