On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, John Ferlito wrote:

>       It still is. I think I can safely assume you're using linux.
> Threfore you setup fetchmail to grap the mail via pop and feed it
> through procmail via your local mta. Then you just read you're maiol
> locally.

Ah, fetchmail is the key. Thanks - will investigate it ... but as
you point out:

>       The only disadvantage here is that your email is now on your
> home machine. So unless you're connected 24x7 then you can't access your
> email from anywhere else anymore. Unless you keep a copy on the server
> or something.

Leaving my email on the server (like I am reading it now, via ssh)
has great advantages. I only download it my home PC when I feel
like it.

Which brings to mind the .NET idea (eeek) ... I use my ISP's server
as a central point for data exchange. Since I run and control the server
this is fine. I trust it. But I cannot envision entrusting a third party
to hold my own goodies ... perhaps unless there is strong encryption
involved and I can be guaranteed that 'they' do not have access to my
private keys.

Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services
"Tired of being a crash test dummy for Microsoft? Try Linux" 

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