On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

> Seems like you have a shell account on your server. In that case, you
> can set up a .forward file in your home directory to pipe the mail
> through procmail. The mail then ends up in a bunch of directories in
> your home directory, rather than in /var/spool/mail or whatever, but
> most mailers will still be able to read it. Look at the procmail manpage
> for how to do this.
> This is the method I use to sort mail on a central machine that I later
> read using IMAP/SSL.

Once the mail is in folders in my home directory, how
do I then download it to my home machine (pref. using Netscrape!?)

Sounds easier to leave it in the spool on the ISP box and download
and sort the lot when it (finally) gets home ... where it is sorted
and archived for permanent sotrage as required.

Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services
"Tired of being a crash test dummy for Microsoft? Try Linux" 

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