>She shouldn't. But no-one is born with the ability to use these
>beasties. No matter whether it's shell commands, using morphing tools

Well this supports Dan's point about post install training.

I think you are in the minority over WIMPs where *ordinary people* are
concerned though. I like CLIs for most things but one way that WIMPs are
easier than CLIs is reducing the recall burden, i.e. what command can I
use. Why do you think mutt and pine need to put a cheat bar on the
screen?  A pull-down menu is a nice reminder. Although with awful UIs
this problem has just been changed to what menu do I need to pull down.

This doesn't necessarily mean users are more productive with WIMPs,
witness travel agent systems with their highly optimised keyboard
commands. It just means there is a potential for people to be less
stressed with WIMPs. Unfortunately WIMPs have been made as complex as
CLIs now.

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