On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, enterfornone wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 06:34:04PM +1100, Martin wrote:
> >
> > I have found that Netscape 4 is a little less stable than IE. But when I
> > say a little I mean just that, a little. If Netscape is crashing in a
> > way that causes you to need to reboot, you have a serious, serious
> > problem, one you need to resolve. Linux is certainly an acceptable
> > platform for web browsing, though no doubt a more stable web browser
> > would be desirable, for both linux AND Window$.
> By reboot, I mean I have a duel boot system and I reboot into Windows,
> Netscape has never killed Linux bad enough to need a reboot but it has
> killed X and regualrly kills itself.
> Redhat 6.something if that makes a difference?  Mandrake was much the same.
> Haven't used a differnet distro since pre 4 days, would that make a difference.

I've had netscape crash and had to kill the process, in fact this
happens to me about twice as often as crashes with IE, probably once a
week. But if it's killing X then that's serious and I would extend my
above comments re: something wrong with your system to that. Overall
though I think it's still unfair of you to characterise linux as a
system that can't be used exclusively by a new user because it is unfit
for web browsing. Web browsing software seems problematic generally, and
though it it slightly better on a Window$ platform, the operative word
is slightly.



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