netscape 4.75 is pretty damn rock solid. Although ive found that it has
become less
stable since i first installed linux (2 years ago) and its most likely
some underlying
library quirk.

Im totally hooked on mozilla. Mozilla m17 was good, m18 was better, 0.6
was batter
again and 0.7 absolutely takes the IE to its knees. Netscape 6 on
windows still
blows IE out of the water on everything ive seen.

javascript is a lil shakey in mozilla, and im yet to install java in it.
But net6 atleast has a decent JVM. IE lacks moz/nn's new security
manager, as do konqueror and most other linux browsers. Moz's security
manager has / should shake IE up a bit and i wouldnt be suprised if ie 6
replicates its functionality. Moz composer is also pretty good although

I beleive Mozilla also conforms to w3c standards and http 1.1 unlike IE
in some (maybe all) cases. 

If your looking up heaps of porn / warez and youve got javascript on
then yes id say IE may be a little better at taking it. But i prefer a
browser that doesnt link into my kernel. I also prefer an OS that i can
rely on ;)

try 0.7, it will rock your world ;)


Andrew Reilly wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 04:00:05PM +1100, enterfornone wrote:
> > it's certainly pre-beta at present.  Netscape 4 is a joke.  I'll use
> > Lynx or wget if I need to quickly look up a URL without rebooting.
> >
> > At present if I'm going to be doing any serious web browsing I
> > need to reboot.  Not because IE can render things that the others can't,
> > but because Linux still lacks a stable and responsive web browser (not
> > counting Lynx and friends).
> Either you're doing something wrong, or you and I visit an
> entirely disjoint set of web sites.  The latter is more likely,
> I admit.  I won't speak for random Netscape-4 under Linux here,
> but I'm currently using Netscape-4.76 on FreeBSD and it simply
> doesn't crash.  It does everything that I want, as fast as the
> bits can come over the wire.
> This machine (my day-to-day workstation) doesn't get rebooted
> for anything except kernel upgrades and lightning storms.
> --
> Andrew
> --
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