Javascript is different, and ive found most javascript mucks about.
IE did the same to netscape but IE has taken over. I dont believe that
a 'standard' should hold back progress (if you want to call it that)

SSL works fine in moz 0.7 (/me logs into sourceforge) and personal
security manager now works (although i think its just been cut and
pasted from netscape). That added to password, cookie, form and image
managers =)

Image manager is cool, say good bye to with ease.

It is bloat ware though, but im not fussed =)


001115 Netscape has released  Netscape 6, with one of the best CSS 
implementations to date.

000327 Microsoft shipped Internet Explorer 5 for the Macintosh. It 
apparently supports full CSS1, the first browser to do so.

At least that got it right somewhere ;)


Andrew Reilly wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 09:04:50PM +1100, Dean Hamstead wrote:
>> I beleive Mozilla also conforms to w3c standards and http 1.1 unlike IE
>> in some (maybe all) cases. 
> I don't know enough javascript to get myself out of whatever
> trouble it can get you into, but the Web guy at work curses
> Netscape-6 around the block, for introducing a document object
> model that is apparently different to both ie and ns-4.  As I
> said, I don't really know what he's trying to do, but I've seen
> him poring over reams of javascript code, so I have to assume
> that he has more of a clue about this than I do.  I don't know
> how that issue interacts with putative W3C standards at all.
>> try 0.7, it will rock your world ;)
> I also have 0.7 and galeon built and running.  I haven't got
> the security thing into either of them, so they can't do https:
> pages for me yet, so I still have to keep NS-4.76 around.
> Doesn't do java yet either, but I'm not so concerned about that.
> I haven't seen any serious uses for it in web pages.  Mostly
> annoying animated buttons or the like.
> It also has a bug in its IMAP client that makes it ask for
> message -1 under some conditions.  That condition persists until
> you quit the program and restart it.  Apart from that it _is_ a
> nice mail client.  Still slow as a wet week, though.

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