New lists are, IMNVHO, a bad idea. Physical SIG's are a good idea. Cross
fertilisation will stop if SLUG splits up, but dedicated RH users can
happily go watch debian users hands-on if the mood takes them, etc.

Personally, I will happily delete lots of stuff I'm not interested in for
the sake of not missing something I need, but didn't know about.


On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> <quote who="Craige McWhirter">
> > A Debian SIG would be quite useful. There's so much to the Debian world
> > and mostly stuff that would only interest the enthusiasts. The odd
> > "Debian brainstorming session" seperate from the main SLUG meeting would
> > go a long, long way IMHO.
> We've discussed SIGs a few times now, and each time came to the conclusion
> that 'splitting' SLUG would lead to bad things.
> I waver in and out of this - I think it would be cool for the more advanced
> people to have a group of their peers, but at the same time, it sucks for
> the begginers, as they won't receive the level of understanding and help
> that they would have otherwise.
> Subject-specific SIGs are probably the way to go, and the Debian SIG idea is
> great on that account. (Actually, there's a few times I've thought that a
> slug-debian list would be good, so we can stop irritating non-Debian users
> on the main list - trouble is, that's splitting the list again, and that
> would suck.)
> > If there's interest, I'd be more than happy to be the co-ordinater.
> > Depending on numbers, I *may* also have a venue (with harbour views and
> > a stocked boutique beer fridge).
> Dude! Rock out! :) Thanks heaps for offering - perhaps we should have a
> little Debian fest (read: Come over and we'll show you wtf the point is) to
> kick it off.
> Everyone else: Is this a dangerous idea? Are new lists and new SIGs
> worthwhile?
> - Jeff
> -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------- --
>        "A rest with a fermata is the moral opposite of the fast food        
>            restaurant with express lane." - James Gleick, Faster            
> -- 
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