This one time, at band camp, Heracles said:

>Terry Collins wrote:

>> The best people to help newbies/beginners are other newbies/beginners

>The "visually impaired" leading the blind???? 
>Maybe an unfair comment, but as I do not fully understand Linux, I
>could be considered one of the "severley visually impaired". I
>wonder just how much help I could get from others in my position
>who may be struggling with the same concepts.
>Surely it is wiser in the long run to have newbies set on the best
>path rather than have bad habits and myths become entrenched.

I find I teach a subject best if I've just mastered it.  I think what
Terry means is the best person to learn from is someone who's just a few
steps ahead of you.

>SIGs are a useful and fertile development within any club, just
>lets not let them become too exclusive.

If you make a SIG inexclusive, it's just a mini-UG.  That's when you
split the main UG.  Granted you need to remember to keep a perspective,
and make sure all members of the SIG are still part of the UG.

I've been here for a while now, and what I really appreciate from this
list is the openness, and the ability to tolerate a lot.  There's a nice
laid-back atmosphere here.  I doubt forming SIGs will have a significant
effect on the stability of SLUG as a whole.

      "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using
(o_ ' Windows NT for mission-critical applications." 
//\   -- What Yoda *meant* to say, Devin L. Ganger, scary.devil.monastery

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