This one time, at band camp, Michael Lake said:
>But in my init.d directory the file is called "networks" and it does
>nothing like the above. It sets up anti spoofing, ip_chains, ipfw etc
>and the route command or even ifconfig is not in this directory.

rgrep ifconfig /etc/rc.d/

As for your default route: you said you were setting it to your local
machines ip?  (maybe i parsed that wrong)  You don't want to set the
default route to the same machine, that's just as bad as not having a
route in the first place.

As you're at a uni, surely the admin there will know what the ip for your
default gateway is.  Getting them to tell you is beyond the scope of
this list :)


Always two there are; a Bastard, and a PFY.

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