DaZZa wrote:
> Put in a default route.....The bit which gives you
> >If I ping our nameserver here by ip address I get:
> >"Network is unreachable"
> is a dead giveaway. The machine is telling you it doesn't know how to
> reach the network you've specified for the destination.

> I find it hard to believe the RH box didn't have a default route set -
> well, I find it hard to believe it didn't have one set and still worked,
> anyway!
I suspect it just added one automatically for me when I installed it 2
years ago based on my machines ip address. Bless their souls :-)
> route add default <gateway>

> You'll need to add it into the startup scripts
> if you want it to take on reboot. Don't know how to do that with Debian

I looked up www.debian.org and they have a Network Admin Manual: 

Quoting it:
> If you set up the IP addressing on your machine when you installed 
> Debian GNU/Linux, you should find that the ifconfig command is run
> automatically on bootup. This is done from the file
> /etc/init.d/network. Looking at this file should reveal a number 
> of lines similar to the following: 
>      IPADDR=
>      NETMASK=
>      ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
> This is where the setting up of the Ethernet interface takes place. 
> Above these lines, you should see a line setting up the loopback 
> interface, and you should see a number of lines which appear to 
> run a command called route. This program, and its function, 
> is the subject of the next section. 

But in my init.d directory the file is called "networks" and it does
nothing like the above. It sets up anti spoofing, ip_chains, ipfw etc
and the route command or even ifconfig is not in this directory.


Michael Lake
University of Technology, Sydney
Ph: 9514 1724 Fx: 9514 1628 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web: http://www.science.uts.edu.au/~mikel

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