Bernhard Luder wrote:
> OK, great, a routing lesson.
> You have to see your machine not as one machine having several IP addresses,
> but instead see your machine as different interfaces, that interact and send
> data to each other. Your localhost interface (lo) is one, your ethernet card
> (eth0) is another and your dialup (ppp0) is yet another.

Thats quite a good idea. I was envisioning my machine as a single entity
and therefore falling int the trap of thinking that each networking
`part' knows wat the others are doing ie each one networking section has
the same knowledge. They don't :-)
> route add default gw <whatever your gateway's IP is> eth0
> you should see the world.
Yep. And its now in /etc/network/interfaces.

Michael Lake, University of Technology, Sydney
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