I attend UWS, if you live out this way i think its a
waste of time to go to a city uni.

Do engineering over comp science.

I know in my elec/mech/comp engineering there is a
feeling of comp sci being a bludgy degree.


Rich Buggy wrote:

> Hi Matt,
>>Currently i'm looking at UTS, Sydney and UNSW but am
>>wondering how these differ from universities such as
>>Macquarie and UWS and why these may be discouraged ?
>   I wouldn't discourage anyone going to club mac (aka Macquarie). I have a
> degree from there and had a great time getting it. The one advantage that
> Macquarie has over the rest is the flexible program. My understanding with
> your 3 preferred universities is that you have to do a fixed program. You
> might get a choice like chemistry or physics but that's it. At Macquarie you
> have to get a major at 3rd year and meet the requirements of your degree but
> you choose the courses you do. This allows you to do stuff like languages,
> music, psychology, ... as part of your degree. It also means you can do the
> computing subjects that interest you to complete the major.
>   I don't know if UTS still makes you do a years work experience as part of
> the their degree but that always turns me off them (personal preference -
> please don't flame). I had a friend their who's (non-computing) degree was
> delayed by 12 months because he couldn't get relative work experience.
>     Rich
> PS: The name "club mac" comes from the number of holidays we appeared to
> get. I suspect this had a lot to do with a smaller exam period because of
> lower student numbers.

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