Sounds to me like we need a WAP/SMS accessable GPS database. IE you could 
SMS your location & description to the service which just puts it in the 
database, alternately you SMS it a location and it SMSes you back some 
nearby points. Obviously to cover the cost you'd either need to subscribe 
or maybe somehow it could be tacked on your phone bill. I don't really 
know all this GPS stuff.

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Terry Collins wrote:

> Jamie Honan wrote:
> > 
> > I've never understood why cycling groups don't get together
> > with a few GPS recievers and make some really nice cycling
> > maps.
> Why Not?
> 1) GPS receivers are not accurate enough.
> 2) GPS receivers are not reliable enough.
> 3) GPS receivers have a coverage like mobile phones = big holes.
> 4) GPS receivers do not have the capacity (waypoints) = required laptop.
> 5) Cost - software - very expensive, or Grass
> 6) Cost - labour - who is going to pay the person to process the data? 
> > 
> > For personal use, you could 'screen scrape' some whereis
> > queries : e.g. using whitepages.
> Scott Howard might light to post the URL's of the rides he has done
> where he has laid GPS data over this style of map.
> On the positive side, someone (apologies forgot where I'm filing stuff)
> from Social Change Online is working on a project for online entry of
> similar stuff (but it uses very expensive proprietary software).
> Is anyone interested in this sort of thing? - i.e doing an open source
> activity?
> Bicycle Australia ( has basically decided the
> way forward for them is currently just to direct people to existing
> commercial maps and later put some maps, as A5 landscape images, onto
> WWW pages for people to download and print off themselves. Currently
> each would need to be digitized and created as a graphic. It would be
> better however, it there was an online GIS system that people could just
> create the map they want.

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