> Firstly unless your using TCPwrappers and pptpd in the 
> inittab /etc/hosts.allow will do nothing..
It was worth a try.  :)

> Check your /var/log/messages for anything else, so far your 
> posting just a couple of lines and we're probably missing an 
> important piece..
> can you send a whole pppd session logs to us?

There is nothing in messages, in syslog I get 

Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: CTRL: Client 202.129.XXX.XXX control
connection started
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd,
opening GRE)
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-108
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pppd[11085]: The remote system is required to
authenticate itself
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pppd[11085]: but I couldn't find any suitable secret
(password) for it to use to do so.
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pppd[11085]: (None of the available passwords would
let it use an IP address.)
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: GRE: read(fd=5,buffer=804d9c0,len=8196)
from PTY failed: status = -1 error = Input/output error
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: CTRL: PTY read or GRE write failed
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: CTRL: Client 202.129.XXX.XXX control
connection finished

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