Hey everyone,

I am wondering, is there any software I can use with Linux that can scramble 
everything on my hard disk while running in memory, so I can prepare for a 
new install? I want it to be impossible to recover deleted files.

Also what of shredders? There is one in the gnome desktop, how does it work? 
Does it follow the blocks in the inode table and overwrite with garbage or 
whatever? If I were to write software like this, do I need to run it as a 
kernel module? Can I do it entirely in C by dereferencing pointers? I am 
still a bit of an amateur with assembly language.

And the software that recovers deleted files that the police use etc, know 
any programmes like this?

My KMail programme buggers up my slug digest sometimes so please CC reply to 
me directly.

Heaps of thanks.


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