> > I am wondering, is there any software I can use with Linux that
> can scramble
> > everything on my hard disk

> Boot off a CD or single disk system such as toms root boot.
> cat /dev/random >/dev/hda
> will really scramble things but it will take a long time to go over the
> whole disk. There'll be no partition table afterwards either.

If you use /dev/urandom instead it will be quicker, but vulnerable to
theoretical attacks based on the random sequencer.  Unless the NSA or
similar agency if out to get you, /dev/urandom should be good enough.

And if truely paranoid be aware that a single pass of writing random data
isn't enough - there are still ways to get information out by looking
physically at the disk platter.  Give it a few passes to make sure.

 - Doug

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