Thank you very much for all your replies. You guys are tops! 

Close examination of the documentation and the back panel of the unit revealed two 
things: this model comes in two varieties, either 100/110/120V, or 220/230/240V. I've 
got the later, and I can set it to 240 through a dipswitch in the back. Now I know 
this model doesn't work at 11OV at all I'm not worried about its output being only 
110V either. Once I sort out the plugs and sockets situation I should be good to go. 
And while I'm not particularly handy with this sort of thing, I also remembered I know 
a guy who's an electrician. He can expect a call soon :)

So this looks like the way to go. I still think I would have a good case for refund, 
but my time and sanity are worth to me more than being vindicated. I'd rather deal 
with plugs and cables than legalities and arguments.

"All I know is that I'm being sued for unfair business practices
 by Microsoft. Hello pot? It's kettle on line two..." 
 - Michael Robertson, founder of Lindows 

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