On Sat 09 Mar, [EMAIL PROTECTED] bloviated thus:

> Yes, there is at least one excellent book on the troff family.
> "Document Formatting and Typesetting on the Unix System"
> Narain Gehani, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Silicon Press,
> ISBN 0-9615336-0-9 (c) 1986

The only reference I ever used was the original AT&T Unix manuals.  If
you're nice to someone working at Aurema, they might let you make a
photocopy of the relevant bits.

If you can at all avoid it, don't use troff.

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maddy: "I'm fed up with your pedanticism."
Jonathan Creek: "The word is pedantry."

- Jonathan Creek by David Renwick
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