On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 01:46:27PM +1000, Simon Bryan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> No luck so far, not doing anything wacky - not with Linux anyway :-) that i
> know of. popusers is the group used by the AUC IMAP server, but have tried
> with all variations of the permissions and owners that I can think of. Just
> went to sendmail and there are messages in the queue, I clicked on send
> immediately and got the following output:
> sbryan... forward: /home/popusers/staff/sbryan/.forward.vortex: World
> writable directory
> sbryan... forward: /home/popusers/staff/sbryan/.forward: World writable
> directory
> postmaster... aliased to root
> root... aliased to sbryan
> sbryan... forward: /home/popusers/staff/sbryan/.forward.vortex: World
> writable directory
> sbryan... forward: /home/popusers/staff/sbryan/.forward: World writable
> directory
> Can't create transcript file ./xfg3AEYcg10760: Permission denied
> sbryan... Connecting to local...
> sbryan... Can't create output
> MAILER-DAEMON... aliased to postmaster
> postmaster... aliased to root
> root... aliased to sbryan
> sbryan... forward: /home/popusers/staff/sbryan/.forward.vortex: World
> writable directory
> sbryan... forward: /home/popusers/staff/sbryan/.forward: World writable
> directory
> savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhere: No such file or directory

You cant change the permission with sendmail to an INSECURE state.
sendmail (rightly so) will bitterly complain and refuse to accept (and send)

You must have your permission set correctly and if you dont it wont work.

My suggestion, go to sendmail.org, downlaod the latest version and

you better off that way.


If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

             __, Jobst Schmalenbach, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Technical Director
   _ _.--'-n_/   Barrett Consulting Group P/L & The Meditation Room P/L      
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