On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 07:38:41AM +1000, Jan Schmidt wrote:
> <quote who="Conrad Parker">
> > is it an intellimouse? those things go screwy sometimes. [it may be a
> > hardware problem -- have you tried a different mouse?]
> > 
> I've only ever seen trouble with Intellimeeces when uses them through gpm...
> if I get gpm out of the way, then the meece run fine. The symptom I see
> using gpm is that X will get confuses and push the cursor up against the
> edges of the screen regardless of how you move it.

hmm, what occasionally happens to me (like, a few times a year, not every
day) is that my mouse cursor will decide to crawl slowly to the top of the
screen, and if there's virtual desktops above then of course it crawls into
them as well and keeps on going. Picking the mouse up off its mat and gently
shaking it seems to discipline it and it behaves properly again.

maybe my mouse has a dirty roller, maybe its a driver problem, maybe I
forgot to wear deodorant those days and it's trying to escape; damn
rebellious intellimice.

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