On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Conrad Parker wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 07:38:41AM +1000, Jan Schmidt wrote:
> > <quote who="Conrad Parker">
> >
> > > is it an intellimouse? those things go screwy sometimes. [it may be a
> > > hardware problem -- have you tried a different mouse?]
> > >
> >
> > I've only ever seen trouble with Intellimeeces when uses them through gpm...
> > if I get gpm out of the way, then the meece run fine. The symptom I see
> > using gpm is that X will get confuses and push the cursor up against the
> > edges of the screen regardless of how you move it.
> hmm, what occasionally happens to me (like, a few times a year, not every
> day) is that my mouse cursor will decide to crawl slowly to the top of the
> screen, and if there's virtual desktops above then of course it crawls into
> them as well and keeps on going. Picking the mouse up off its mat and gently
> shaking it seems to discipline it and it behaves properly again.

I have seen this on both of my laptops (a Toshiba Tecra, and an IBM
Thinkpad). It happens in both the W thing and Linux... I've never been



Michael Still ([EMAIL PROTECTED])     UMT+10hrs

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