** Reply to note from Terry Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tue, 08 Oct 2002 18:18:16 +1000

hi Terry, long time no talk

> My 2c on this/AIUII. 
> You don't login as "apache" 
> On my system, user "apache" doens't have a shell that you can log into. 
> from /etc/passwd:  apache:x:48:48:Apache:/var/www:/bin/false 
> It is a security feature. 

which leads me to another Q:

if I have users that simply have web server and mail server hosted, and,
all they get is ftp access, is that the way to edit their 'entitlements',
as per apache sample above ?

> To start and stop your apache server /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd 
> start|stop|status|??? 
> Then in your browser http:localhost or ip or whatever.

yes, that part is OK, it's the permissions I need to understand, the pages
are not served based on insufficient permission

so, I should give 
files: rw r r
directories: xrw xr xr

I see every user I've made gets a group made as well, should I make a
group, say, web_users, and, put all users there ? then , manage it by that
group ?

Voytek Eymont
SBT Information Systems Pty Ltd
phone +61-2 9310-1144 fax +61-2 9310-1118 
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