Daniel Harper wrote:
> OK I am a bit stumped, and awk is certainly not my forte
> I have an awk script the uses the system("vim " variablehere) function to
> call vim, the point being to edit a file manually and then get back to the
> awk script.
> Now when this runs I get a "Warning: Input is not from the terminal" from
> vim, and then it jumps straight back to the awk script. I am guessing that a
> filehandle is open or some sort or redirection is causing this but I am not
> to sure.
> Does any-one have any ideas? Is there anyway I can get some debugging
> information from awk and vim to find out what is going on.

I would look at replacing the call to vim with a call to sed. The
latter is used for 'batch editing'.

man sed

for more (confusing) information.

If you let the list know how you want the edit to take place,
I'm sure a sed boffin will help you out further.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

"I've found a security hole in the web server."
"Well, either fame or an American jail await you."
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