At 18 Oct 2002 07:20:22 +1000, James Gregory wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 16:51, Daniel Harper wrote:
> > I have an awk script the uses the system("vim " variablehere)
> > function to call vim, the point being to edit a file manually and
> > then get back to the awk script.
> > 
> > Now when this runs I get a "Warning: Input is not from the
> > terminal" from vim, and then it jumps straight back to the awk
> > script. I am guessing that a filehandle is open or some sort or
> > redirection is causing this but I am not to sure.
> I don't know much about awk, but my reading of that error message is
> that vim is expecting to be started on a pty and awk's system call is
> not providing it with one.

yep, from a quick test here it seems to work if you run the awk script
itself "from a terminal", but not if you redirect the awk stdin/stdout
to non-pty things.

if you had to do that, you could always cheat and system(xterm -e vim)
instead (or gvim or something), assuming X.

 - Gus
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