Most linux distributions are free...thats not just a Mandrake thing.
One thing mandrake might have over other distributions is that it has
been optimised for Pentium architectures where as redhat and others have
no optimisation for any specific architecture and therefore will work on
just about any system from 3x86 upward.

If the machine you wish to set up is simple only a mail server then you
wont want a bloated distribution with all the fancy'll want
a light weight rock solid distribution...something like slackware or
debian might be a good choice..

As far as ease of configuration and administration goes...mail servers
on linux can be bastards as far as i'm concerned. I run Qmail here at
home, but i've also played with Sendmail and Postfix. I think you should
find which ever one has the least security/bug issues and use that, and
install a remote administration tool to help you configure/administer
the webmin(as someone else already mentioned).

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 12:36, Terry Denovan wrote:
> Hi There, 
> Just wondering, the company that I am currently working for is looking
> at setting up a Linux server to host Mail on. I have been informed that
> the best one to use is Mandrake, 1. Its Free, 2. Its Easy.Could you
> please confirm what software I should be using and who may be able to
> help set it up. 
> Kind Regards,
> Terry Denovan

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