I am trying to setup a credit card payment option for a website, but I
am finding it hard to find a "Merchant Gateway" provider in Australia
that supports PHP. I have found that ANZ has 3 api's available - "ASP,
Java or Win32", St. George have a few solutions but do not provide any
more details on their website, and CommBank do not provide any
information on their website.

NetRegistery provide "support" only Perl, and ASP, but do provide a
"Generic CGI program" that shifts any responsibility on to the
developer, and they also require you to also have a e-commerce merchant
account already with either St. George, or NAB.

I was unable to find enough information on the NAB site, so I do not
know if the provide a Merchant Gateway.

The program I have chosen to manage my website is phpShop. It works very
well for my purposes, except for the lack of a Merchant Gateway in
Australia. My PHP skills are scarce but much better than my Perl, Java,
or ASP skills. I have managed to create a nice template for the site,
and do not want to lose all the hard work that went into it by having to
shite to another Shop frontend.

What solutions has everybody else found? What would you recomend if you
had to do it over again?

btw, I like the look of the ANZ setup (except the Java, or ASP thing),
and my Site Host does not support Java (or Tomcat).

Karl Bowden

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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