Ian Wienand wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 11:09:57AM +1100, Angus Lees wrote:
> > > This allows you to show your postscript file full screen and scroll
> > > through it.  *Very* handy if you use a PPC notebook and thus can't get
> > > acrobat reader, and xpdf doesn't do full screen.
> >
> > I always use xpdf for presentations:
> >   xpdf -fullscreen -bg black $file.pdf
> yes sorry I confused myself I meant 'rotated'.  This is a problem
> really only peculiar to chaksem, in that it outputs the postscript in
> 'seascape' mode.  a straight ps2pdf conversion doesn't seem to set the
> rotation of the pdf properly, and then gives you an upside down pdf
> presentation.
> of course you can always select 'rotate' from the menu in xpdf twice
> to flip it over, but pspresent (or ghostscript really) knows the
> orientation from the ps file so you don't have to bother with this all
> the time.

edit the PostScript and rotate the coordinate system....

180 rotate 


Mike Lake
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