From: "John Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Please wrap your lines.  740 character lines are a little hard to read
*grin* says the man who's telling us his current uptime and weather in his
mail headers? ;)
(Seriously though, I hate people who hard-wrap their lines before sending,
with a vengeance - just because they're running an 80x25 terminal doesn't
mean I am... their mails are a waste of horizontal space on my my maximised
terminal on my 20" monitor (or in the case of when i'm at work, they're a
waste of space in lookout express on my 20" monitor) ;)

> This where it's going wrong. should only deliver to
>, never to  As long as sendmail has
> been configured to relay for a domain, it should then use the MX
> records to figure out where to deliver mail for that domain.
That's what I was expecting.

> It looks like it.  It might be sendmail's config or it might be DNS.
> Do an MX DNS query for on  Does that
> return the correct preference values for each host?

 It looks fine

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