>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Monday, 4 August 2003 10:04 PM
>Subject: RE: [SLUG] Benefits of source distro (Gentoo) somewhat elusive

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/08/2003 09:34:45 PM:
>> What specific tests should I run? I would like to test, for things
>> than just opening a spread sheet? How about
>> Hitting a db?
>> X rendering?
>> File access?
>> Compiling a kernel?
>> Any other thoughts?

>For the desktop:
>I would like to see if there is any speed difference in OpenGL Games.
>I'm not sure how many Linux gamers there are, but that would convince
>which distro is the best for my use.
>Quake 3 Arena & Unreal Tournament 2003 would be good choices.

I can do q3a but I will only be able to get the demo for UT. Should I
run with or with out sound? I guess I will do both.

>For the Server:
>Perhaps things like 10 users retriving email then up the number to 
>100-150, 10 hits on a webpage then up the numbers again etc.
>Making an enourmous encryption key (would this be considered accurate 
>since it gets it from /dev/random??).
>Multiple hits on an sql database from the webpage?

>I think the best benchmarking tests are real life tests and stressing 
>them. (If those numbers would be considered stressing??)

>If I am going it install a high load email server, every little speed 
>optimisation counts.

It is not easy to simulate tasks Like this, I guess I could script some
thing up to hit it and then include the scripts as part of the test. Its
easier to test simple things.

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