On 13 Aug, John Clarke wrote:
>  > : /home/luke; ping coo 
>  > PING coo.localdomain ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. 
>  OK, so you can ping coo from coo, I'd expect that. 
>  > : /home/luke; slogin -v coo 
>  > OpenSSH_3.1p1, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090602f 
>  [snip] 
>  > debug1: Connecting to coo [] port 22. 
>  [snip] 
>  > debug1: Host 'coo' is known and matches the RSA host key. 
>  [snip] 
>  > [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:  
>  > Last login: Wed Aug 13 17:51:44 2003 from coo.localdomain 
>  So you've successfully logged in to coo from coo, but you said earlier 
>  that: 
>  > coo : slogin coo  logs in to posh 
>  This is obviously not the case.  You've just logged in to coo from coo.  

Sorry, I didn't make that clear:  all those commands were from posh.
So yes, slogin to coo from posh logs me in to posh, not coo, despite
slogin claiming to be connecting to coo.


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