Boys boys boys!!!
John was only expressing his dislike for such spams...
I'm sure he appreciates the efforts of the admins as much as the rest of
us do...  he didn't exactly go overboard, nor abuse anyone...  basically
asking if there was anything being done to solve the problem, with a hint
of disgust at the content...

He now has his answer that yes, things are being done and are 99%
successful -
no need to bite back.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Shaun Oliver
Sent: Thursday, 25 September 2003 11:48 PM
To: John Clarke
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Yuk

at the risk of being helpful, John Clarke delivered up the following on Fri,
Sep 26, 2003 at 12:16:08PM +1000,
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 11:10:00AM +1000, Richard Ames wrote:
> > They should be filtered before the listserver.
> We had this discussion a couple of weeks ago.
> All of you, stop whinging about the tiny bit of spam that makes it
> through the list filters.  Something like 99% or more of spam *is*
> stopped at the list server, thanks to the efforts of the admins.
> The list admins, all unpaid volunteers, do a great job and should not
> have to listen to whiny gits who can't be bothered running their own
> spam filter and expect someone else to protect them.
> > Or better yet --- member only.
> We've had this discussion too.  It's not going to happen.  You asked for
> this a couple of weeks ago and were told so then, what makes you think
> the answer's going to be any different this time?

john, we may not have agreed on a couple of things a week or so ago but,
is not the idea of Linux to a point total and utter customisability in
as much as you can do wtf u need to be able to suit your purpose?
at least that in part is what I thought running Linux was about,
look quit bitching about the spam,
personally, if someone wants to send spam about someone blowing a horse
or some other sick crap like that there's an interesting function you
should read about.
it's called delete.
christ sakes people, couple extra key strokes or a click of a mouse and
a press of a key and it's gone.
best fucken spam filter around.

Shaun Oliver
"Becareful of the toes u step on today, they maybe connected to the ass you
have to kiss tomorrow!"

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