On 2 Oct 2003, Glen Turner wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 10:46, David wrote:
> > It's not hard to find out where a given ip number comes from, but I was
> > looking for a simple generic test - eg: all .au numbers are in the range
> >
> It's not possible to tell where a host is coming from
> based upon its IP address and the entry in whois.
> For example, IBM have a single allocation, they use
> that for their entire global network.  Similarly for
> other multinationals.  The records are also not
> maintained particularly well -- you'll find most
> users of the Internet >7 years are all registered
> in the US.

Depends if they provide internal allocations to countries or not. It 
suffices to say that nothing is 100% with the internet. Like you I would 
have thought BGP probably the best gamble but what's stopping people using 
another country's satelites & dialup connections. Plus basically you're 
trusting anonymous third parties to provide information about routing even 
with BGP. It's just they have a vested interest in getting it at least 
mostly correct.

> But why look at the IP address?  TCP maintains an
> estimate of the round-trip time for a connection.
> Australia pretty much only connects to other
> countries through the west coast of the USA, a
> latency of >90ms.  So any TCP connection with
> a RTT ~> 200ms is pretty certain to be foreign.
> The Web100 project has kernel hacks to let you
> get this data from the kernel and utilities to
> let you log all TCP connections.

<cough> you gotta be kidding right? by that logic our office must be on 
the moon at the moment. We're converting our ADSL over and for the moment 
are stuck on a modem that's rather saturated. Even going a few hops back 
up the route could be problematic, although I suppose going from the other 
end would be sufficient.

Electronic Hobyist, Former Arcadia BBS nut, Occasonal nudist, 
Linux Guru, SLUG/AUUG/Linux Australia member, Sydney Flashmobber,
BMX rider, Walker, Raver & rave music lover, Big kid that refuses
grow up. I'd make a good family pet, take me home today!
        Do people actually read these things?

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