Seems stable enough to me. I'd highly recommend it, many improvements. I have it running with around 300 users at one site without a hitch. The only advice: as the documentation warns, if upgrading from samba2 in a PDC environment be wary of SID issues. The SID can change which will cause all hell break loose if you're not wary of it (ie change it back to the old sid). Having said that, I don't use the AD features as yet....


DE LUCA Ben wrote:

Any one want to describe any hellish issues with it? I want to use it
as an alternative method for accessing my server, I run samba2 on a
different machine for (>99%) of my users. But AD intergration is a holey

How unstable is it?

Phil Scarratt
Draxsen Technologies
IT Contractor
0403 53 12 71

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