On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 03:34:02PM +1100, Graham Smith wrote:
> > So a quick survey among Red Hat SLUGgers. I'm a long time RH user
> > currently with a few RH9 machines. So where are you going to go to?

I'm going to go fedora.  It looks and feels very promising.
Two immediate pluses are the inclusion of boost and gtkmm c++ libraries.

An easy install is vital for me, and I've found redhat
by far the least troublesome.

I'll probably have a go at debian, but I've found suse
and mandrake similar but worse than redhat.

BTW, it's not impossible that some enterprising (heh)
person will download the src.rpms for the enterprise
versions of redhat and make an iso out of them.  It
wouldn't be legally wrong afaik.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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