Grant Parnell wrote:
Trust me on this, call back and bluff your way through saying you're running Windows 98. Might take several calls and you'll need to try to hold off identifying yourself.

Also, for the sake of the thread, StGeorge also use Java.. at least I think they're slightly more receptive saying they just need Java1.4 or something like that.

I also use ANZ, javascript/http/https, works real nice.

Someone should tell some of these companies there is an EVER growing user who are no longer using MS products!

The worst I have seen is this one! which comes up when you enter

You were redirected to this page because you are not using Internet Explorer 5 or later. In order to view the proper site,
you'll have to use at least IE5 (IE6 is recommended).
You can download IE6 from here.

Hmm Well they must not want any one other than MS customers using their services! One wonders if their product quality is similar in nature!

My 2c on the lack of Open Standards Support!

On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Kevin Saenz wrote:

Well this is my little story.
I logged on to netbanking to check my accounts java popped up with a
verisign issue. So I decided to call commonwealth bank. This is what I

[Support person] So you are using Windows XP?
[me] No, I'm using Linux
[Support person] Can you open up My Computer?
[me] I am not using windows I am using Linux.
[Support person] Can you spell the operating system you are using?
[me] Linux, l-i-n-u-x, can you tell me where you want me to go?
[Support person] can you go to add remove programs
[me]??? add remove programs, what program would you like me to find?
[Support person] the version of java
[me] Ok that is simple j2re1.4.blah
[Support person] Can you hold?
5 mins later
[Support person] We don't support that operating system and the version
of java you are using needs to be updated.
[me] thanks that helped me a lot bye.

Sadly I had no resolve. Are most commonwealth bank support people this
brain dead? :)

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