On Sat, 24 Jan 2004, David Uzzell wrote:

> Someone should tell some of these companies there is an EVER growing 
> user who are no longer using MS products!
> The worst I have seen is this one!
> http://www.waterways.com.au/netscape.asp which comes up when you enter 
> http://www.waterways.com.au

Works fine on Mozilla on OSX/PPC.
And on Safari.

> My 2c on the lack of Open Standards Support!

They are supporting some sort of standards, since the page looks fine
in Moz. Perhaps their CGI application interface is a bit too severe when
it denies access to (older versions? of) Netscape. The prohibition
does seem to allow browsers other than IE. Like Safari and Mozilla.

Then again, this could be spam :(


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services Pty Limited

NAFTA might be friendly to investment but it was not all that
friendly to democracy.
     -- Bill Moyers

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