I think you are hitting the extremist view. By
following your concept businesses would also
remove B2B, B2C etc. How are you going to ensure
your connectivity is functioning and secure?

It's not going to happen. Why?
Computer systems need to be kept up to date.
Many businesses, do business using email. (If most
companies are without email for a day start calculating
the losses) Internet technologies is engrained
into most businesses in such a short time. Compare
business functions of today as opposed to 15-20 years
ago. How many standalones or network computers
where there. How many people conducted business
over email,or a browser. I don't believe that every staff
member needs internet access (email or browser)

How are you going to define work related stuff for I.T?
allow only web pages that have the word computer appear
once or twice ;-)

I don't think that an employer has the right to check emails.
unless they stroll by your hobbit hole and see you looking
at questionable material. They need to have proof before
they go snooping.
I guess it comes down to ethics when I was working for a
top 10 fortune 500 organisation I was asked to snoop. I
turned it down stating it's not ethical unless they have a
valid reason and I would prefer to hear that command from
HR or the CEO.
IMHO it comes down to your moral fiber or lack their of
to feel the need to snoop on staff emails.
We all know of unethical organisations in the world but
do we need to follow their lead?

> > There is nothing that says that you have to allow your employees to
> > email access other than that which is work related.
> >
> > They might scream, but screw them...
> Their screams are sweet music to the BOFH, and me >:-)

Now picture this, you are the IT admin and you've no personal e-mail at
work, and no web access except for work related things? why should the IT
department be different from everyone else? it these things are
enforceable you have to remember the system aren't yours they are the
companies, you are under the same law as everyone else... I find a lot ppl
who work in IT departments have a lot more breakages of the AUP than most
others :-)


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