> This is a general 'how do you do it if you do it'
> question about web application design.

As opposed to a "how do you do it if you don't do
it" question- which is much easier to answer, the
answer is simply "you don't do it" :-)
> Web Form:
> -----------------------------------------
> Order No:   0010
> Order Date: 15/08/2004
> Customer:   ______ <LOOKUP CUSTOMER>
> Customer Name: ?
> -----------------------------------------
> So the user has entered a new order date and
> requests the <LOOKUP
> CUSTOMER> button to search the 1,000,000 customers
> in the database.
> (Note, I picked a cool million deliberately to stop
> the 'just use a
> combo' suggestions)

Very good idea not to use a combo, I once saw a
with a combo list of all usernames in a large
organisation and there were just under 40,000 of
them. Not the best thing to put into a select list.
> The customer is found and selected. The user is
> returned to this form in
> exactly the same 'state' they left it. ie with the
> date entered as
> 15/08/2004, except their customer code is now filled
> in. As is the
> Customer name.

Think "self calling CGI". A self calling CGI has
a HTML form with the action target the same script.
The script works out whether it's been called the
first time (to display the form) or the second
time (to look up the customer name) based
on whether the field variable is present.
Self calling CGIs are a standard CGI programming

> - Some sort of 'stack' where the state is maintained
> in a 'level' of the
> stack with all the form values from the web page.
> The user goes off and
> searches on the next level of the 'stack' and once
> sorted, pulls (or is
> it pops) the stack back to the previous 'level' and
> re-populates the
> form.

I wouldn't use the terms "stack" and "level" here,
it's not really a stack based application. You're
better off thinking in terms of web pages,
page 1, page 2 etc. So you've got your start page
then you've got your second page with the
customer page displayed and so on.

Have fun,

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