On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 14:52, Jared Pritchard wrote:
> st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } -->   -->   /* Style
> Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
> mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;
> mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt
> 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt;
> mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New
> Roman";} -->  
> Hi,
> Just experiencing some crazy problems with ânamedâ (dns).
> Our web server (which is also our gateway to the Internet for our
> office machines) serves as a DNS and sporadically over the last couple
> of days, for no known reason, named keeps failing and every now and
> then (between 15 minutes to a few hours) it will just, stop. I restart
> it using âservice named restartâ and it says that the shutdown of
> named failed, but startup is OK.

I queried this yesterday on another list.  When I did an A query it
would come back as the root DNS servers being the authority.

I gather there was some really screwed routing problems somewhere,
perhaps with our favourite telco.  Seems like they might be continuing.

> Originally (not knowing what the problem was) I reset our web server,
> so itâs not just some bug in startup, and we have made NO changes that
> should effect itâs workings at all.
> Just weird. =/
> Iâve looked through the cronjobs & thereâs nothing that even comes
> close to the failure times, so I canât see what the problem might be.
> Has anyone experienced this sort of thing before, or have any idea
> what it might be?
> When ânamedâ âfailsâ, it simply wonât let us view our website, or any
> other site on the net using domain names. IPswork fine.
> Using Redhat 7.3 I think
> Here is a quick dump of ârndcâ â (when named is working unfortunately,
> havenât been here for last few failures)
> *------------------------------------------------
> [root]# rndc status
> number of zones: 28
> debug level: 0
> xfers running: 0
> xfers deferred: 0
> soa queries in progress: 0
> query logging is OFF
> server is up and running
> ------------------------------------------------*
> I have no idea how thatâs going to help, but who knows? Not me  = )
> Thanks for any help.
> Cheers,
> Jared Pritchard
> The Waterexchange Pty Ltd
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