Final straw was trying to set transparent background. I was presented
with techno-gobbledegook. I could do this sort of thing with PS 4 with
no training. I need this for website graphics. M$ got rich by assuming
users are idiots and building apps and install routines that idiots
could follow (harking back to John Gibbons - I feel that the free /
Opensource industry should cease development for 12 mths and concentrate
on user-friendliness - that includes documentation, most of which states
the facts but helps little.). When it comes to graphics I'm in that
"idiot"category. Interesting that PS, though a professional tool, felt
intuitive to me.
my .05 c

On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 20:31 +1100, Dean Hamstead wrote:
> i would have to agree, i find gimp to be vastly superior. im sure
> there are some features photoshop has over gimp but like all
> applications 90% of users only use 10% of features.
> generally i have found adobe products to just work 'differently'
> most applications seem to follow a certain logic, but adobe doesnt.
> this could be why people spend so much money learning to
> use them
> although i do like illustrator, the Free clones are coming along
> ok - but still not at the level gimp is.
> anyone with heaps of vector math knowledge care to
> write a free alternative to illustrator ;)
> Dean
> Heracles wrote:
> > Rod Butcher wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Patrick, can you spare a minute to give me a brief overview of what's
> >> required to achieve this ? I can't stand Gimp, and would love to be able
> >> to run Photoshop (I have V 4).
> >>  
> >>
> > Amazing, I have used Photoshop V4.5, 6 and 7 but find the latest 
> > version of the GIMP much better and definitely easier to use.  Oh 
> > well, each to his own I guess.
> >
> > Stay well and happy
> > Heracles
> >
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