On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 18:29, Terry Collins wrote:
> Has anyone on the list had any hardware experience with Dec Alpha
> Servers that wouldn't mind me picking their brain.
> Recently was given a 2100 and 2000? but both are dead in the water and
> I'm wondering if $$, soldering iron or angle grinder is the appropriate
> tool {:-).
> I think google has provided the technical site, but someone who can tell
> me what to expect when you plug it in would be helpful.
> 1) nothing, 2 sparkens, 3) still to be tested.

"Dead in the water"?  Power supply fuses maybe?  I've seen this when people 
get shipped stuff from Japan/USA (110V) and the PSU's aren't the 
auto-switching type.  Plug in..."BANG!".  One dead fuse.  Once you replace 
the fuse, things are *usually* ok.

Grab a multimeter and check the fuses in the PSU's for continuity.

Other reasons why Alpha's wont work....well, that would require them to at 
least have power.

Not much help, but what does "dead in the water" really mean in this case?


The flow chart is a most thoroughly oversold piece of program documentation.
                -- Frederick Brooks, "The Mythical Man Month"

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