Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
They didn't write the software they are using as the basis for their organization and their claim to authority. (Well, maybe some of them did - but then they GPL'd it.) I hadn't thought this through myself, but I'll have it in mind from now on.

Hi Bret,

I completely agree with your interpretations on the inherent rights along with the obligations that go with FOSS.

I spent several hours going through the postings in SLUG archives since March, 2003.

At one stage in the past I have expressed such sentiments in this lists when making comments to one or several of J Waugh's posts. So, I'm not surprised at all that this attitude is making it's ugly head known once again.

I am also a developer of GPL'd software. And so are many participants of SLUG who are true proponents of OPEN-NESS and are against CENSORSHIP of validated and accepted tools. These tools are used not only in USENET and similar lists but in the general community of technical and professional community.

I also say here that if SLUG Committee upholds this censorship, then this Committee should drop the word LINUX altogether from this Organization's name in accordance with the stipulations and rules of LINUX.

Currently I am one of the developers of the GPL'd software below. But this does not mean that only FOSS developers can claim to be part of FOSS community. Participants who contributed to Linux User Groups in any ways whether by posting, responding to postings, making presentations, etc. can equally claim to be part of
FOSS community.

My FOSS namesake is sumakwell (

O Plameras
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